Band 5: Describe a type of favourite food that you ate at special events (User-Submitted IELTS Speaking Answer) (2024)

Part 2

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Note: Both the topic and the answer were submitted by one of our users.

57% Accuracy The overall pronunciation accuracy of your speech, reflecting how well a native speaker can comprehend it.

Polished transcript:

Male Female

When it comes to the topic, I will tell you about the food I had at the best events in the past. It is a typical food in Vietnam. It often appears during the 10th holiday. This food originated from the north of my country. To make a delicious junkie, I have to go through a lot of particular stages. First of all, I have to go to the supermarket with my mother to buy fresh meat and green leaves. After that, all of my family members will sit together and prepare it. Then it takes a long time to be ready. The last stage of the process is soaking it in water to preserve it for a few days. The reason why I enjoy it so much is that I only eat junkie once a year. Besides that, junkie is also a good way to strengthen our family relationships because we can sit together and make it together. It is also a great way to share our culture with friends from other nations around the world.

Actual audio transcript (What native speakers are likely to hear):

When it comes to topic, I will tell you about the 5th report I had at the best events in the past. It is a typical food in Vietnam. It often appears in the 10th holiday. This food originated from the northern of my country. To make a delicious junkie, I have to experience a lot of particular stages. First of all, I have to go to supermarket with my mother to draw fresh meat and green leaves. After that, all of my family members will sit together and grab it. And then it was born in a long time. The last stage of the process is raising out it under the water to reserve it during some days. The reason why I very enjoy it is because I just only eat junkie one time a year. And besides that, junkie is also a good way to change our family relationship because you know that we can sit together and do it together. And Marvel is also best for to remove our cultural with some friends from other nations around the world.

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Speaking Time: 71 seconds

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Overall Band Score


(+/- 0.5)

Vocabulary Complexity:
A2 - Upper Beginner
Consider using more varied and advanced words.

Vocabulary Repetition:

food: 3

junkie: 3

that: 3

together: 3

family: 2

Try using synonyms for the above words



Your pronunciation is average. It is understandable but not always accurate. Focusing on the rhythm and stress patterns of English could prove beneficial.

Task Response


The answer is well-organized and coherent, demonstrating good control of language. However, more specific details about the dish itself (e.g., ingredients, preparation methods, taste and texture) would enhance the response. Consider adding more descriptive language to paint a clearer picture for the listener.

Fluency & Coherence


The answer is understandable, but the structure could be improved. There are some noticeable hesitations and repetitions ("I have to", "And then"). A clearer introduction and conclusion would enhance fluency and coherence. Consider using more sophisticated linking words and phrases to connect ideas smoothly.

Lexical Resource


The vocabulary is adequate but not particularly rich or precise. The word "junkie" is misused; it seems the speaker means a specific Vietnamese dish. Using the correct name of the dish would improve the lexical resource score. More precise vocabulary choices would demonstrate a wider range.

Grammatical Range & Accuracy


There are several grammatical errors, including incorrect articles ("a 5th report", "the 10th holiday"), tense inconsistencies, and preposition errors ("from the northern of", "raising out it"). While the message is generally clear, improving grammatical accuracy would significantly raise the score. Focus on subject-verb agreement, correct tense usage, and prepositional phrases.

Band 5: Describe a type of favourite food that you ate at special events (User-Submitted IELTS Speaking Answer) (2024)
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